Watch examples
"Metroland" is a short film, funded by Creative England iShorts, written and directed by Benjamin Bee and produced by Maria Caruana Galizia. It stars Daniel John Williams as "Ben", Rachel Teate as "Sam" and Doreen Frankland as "Mum". The film was shot on location in Newcastle and South Shields. Rachel Teate won best Actor at the Underwire film festival 2018 for the film which was also a finalist for best composer.
A beautiful and hypnotic visual representation and journey of the make up and break up of a relationship.
Sci-fi short directedy by Mark Lediard, My Rode Reel 2015's winner of best Cinematography and finalist for best soundtrack
Saint George
Tense short film reimagining the legend of St George, directed by Joshua Austin and Brett Hocking
Multi award winning, tense sci-fi thriller directed by Gavin Williams
With the news that the world is literally about to end, can agoraphobic Adrian reunite with his lost love?
Short sci-fi drama set in a single location directed by David Tomlin for Ignite Productions
Hondros: A Life in Frames (4:02 onwards)​
Placement in feature documentary trailer about Chris Hondros
(you can support the project here)
Moving images
Praxinoscope based ad for Wired Creative Video
Sourcefabric Berlin hired me to write music and provide sound effects for their animation showcasing new product Newscoop. Animation by Mark Cheltenham, Animov.
Vegetable Nativity
From Wired Video comes a nativity with a difference - animated by Tine Kluth ​